
Cockroaches can measure between 1 to 5 centimeters long. They range in colour from brownish-red to black. The body shape is oval and it is flat, which makes them good at hiding in small places. Some adult species have wings and can fly short distances. They are amazing at breeding, with up to 16 eggs being laid at one time, and they can do this every month. Cockroaches can start breeding between 3 and 4 months old. The two main type of cockroaches in Canada are German and American cockroaches. German cockroaches tend to be smaller, and are tan with dark lines running through them.

Signs you may have cockroaches are;

  • You have seen one or more cockroaches

  • You have unknown allergy symptoms such as a stuffy nose, difficulty breathing, heaviness in chest, red itchy eyes

  • Roach feces can look like coffee grounds or specks of pepper, you may notice this in the corner or back of cabinets

  • A mysterious odor that smells musky or garbage like, specifically in damp areas which is where they like to congregate

  • Chew marks on food items, missing animal food

  • You may see egg cases in the same area as feces, approximately 8 to 10 millimeters long, and are dark brown to reddish brown

Not sure if you have cockroaches?

Just call for an inspection.

Our trained technicians can easily spot a cockroach infestation and have multiple ways of handling them. We have a gel and dust treatment that targets smaller infestations, and a full pesticide spray to target large infestations.